Announced earlier this year, Yash Raj Films’ much-awaited movie Shamshera will start rolling cameras from 1st December in Mumbai. To be helmed by popular filmmaker Karan Malhotra, the fantasy period drama stars Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor in lead roles.
Before rolling the camera, Yash Raj Films had organized a customary pooja which was attended by Ranbir Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor and director Karan Malhotra. Sanjay Dutt couldn’t make it to the ceremony as his prior commitments kept him busy.
“It was amazing to have Shamshera’s cast and crew under one roof before we dive into shooting our film. All of us are excited to start this journey," director Karan Malhotra had said.
Shamshera, which is being touted as one of the most expensive productions of Bollywood, marks Ranbir Kapoor’s third collaboration with Yash Raj Films after Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008) and Rocket Singh: Salesman of The Year (2009).
The makers are planning to wrap up Shamshera by mid-2019. The movie is scheduled to hit screens on 31st July, 2020.