ZEE5, one of the leading homegrown OTT platforms in India, has dropped the trailer of their upcoming romantic film, titled Bamfaad. The movie marks the acting debut of Aditya Rawal, the son of veteran actors Paresh Rawal and Swaroop Sampat. Playing the female lead opposite him will be actress Shalini Pandey who shot to fame after the riotous success of her Telugu film Arjun Reddy (2017) opposite Vijay Deverakonda.
Set in the city of Allahabad against a romantic volatile backdrop, Bamfaad promises to bring an unusual yet raw and edgy love story to the fore. The trailer starts by focusing on the crackling chemistry between Neelam & Nasir with a beautiful romantic track in the background. The two then witness themselves in a brawl with Jigar when the scenario turns volatile and tests their love. Nasir’s closing lines in the trailer will leave you asking for more.
If you are wondering what does Bamfaad mean, it is a North Indian slang for an explosion, which is a perfect terminology to allude to the lead pair. In addition to Aditya Rawal and Shalini Pandey, the film also stars Vijay Varma and Jatin Sarna in important roles. Presented by Anurag Kashyap, Bamfaad marks the directorial debut of Ranjan Chandel.
Talking about the film, Chandel had earlier said, "Bamfaad is a heartfelt script to be brought to life on the screens. Aditya and Shalini are the perfect match for the characters we envisioned. I still remember, the casting director Taran Bajaj and I reached out to many experienced actors as well but Aditya and Shalini just made it feel apt and looked refreshing together. While we are currently living in challenging times with the pandemic, I feel like releasing this film on a digital platform like ZEE5 will give it the reach it deserves. This film is made with a lot of love and will touch many hearts."
Produced by JAR Pictures and Shaika Films, Bamfaad is scheduled for its grand premiere on 10th April, exclusively on ZEE5, the largest creator of Original content in India.